Sony continues to reveal any loss of time is available PS3.

Although recently this source. Circulation of the console PlayStation 3 will be any rate increases. But the overall picture of the business with Sony, which unveiled the latest to find that it still results in continued loss every time a sale. Consoles.

After that. Sony succeeded in making the selling PlayStation 3 game console in October last year ranked one month ago. This is the first time in history since the official opening available for more than 3 years but the recent report that revealed by Sony Boasting. Back shows. Although Sony will be selling PlayStation 3 game console increased much matter. But also can not allow state to recover the loss of business to be. The loss is still ongoing in every time a sale is a game that Sony will lose money as 6 cents of every 1 dollar's price, so if players think the game on the PS3 at 300. million USD. Sony to lose money equal to 18 dollars USD to sell a PS3 1 Nobuyuki Oneda sure enough by the financial advisor of Sony said. The team is planning to reduce PS3 production costs to about 15 percent this fiscal year. Which ended in March of 2011 is expected to be generated will help to increase the company billions of yen, all in one place.

Source : CNET


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