Amazon Want to Give a Free Kindles to Struggle Apple

Amazon could use the plan to distribute free of welcome release of iPad from Apple.

TechCrunch reported plans to market the latest in Amazon's Web site welcomed the availability of competing devices like the Apple iPad launched last month by the website TechCrunch, citing sources inside reliable. Preparing to launch promotions distributed devices E-Reader or Amazon's Kindle for free to customers who purchase package content throughout the year from the Amazon cost only 79 dollar's. U.S.. Per year only. And also reduce the cost of sending one to another with the equipment and E-Reader 6-inch display screen of Amazon is the latest opening price was 259 dollars and the U.S.'s sources also. not disclose details of contracts tied bunch of 79 year's the dollar that has been previously disclosed that obligation and cost more to do. But the news has been confirmed indirectly by the action of the Amazon to support the user with a decline from the user does not receive goods purchased. Back in January by the rules and agree to retain customers and products into the compensation agreement.


Hard drive up to 3TB in general may be the end of this year.

TDK manufactures hard disk components disclosed chart shows the year 2010 with production planned to build a production capacity more than 3 TB hard drives have.

Softpedia website reported the disclosure chart production line in fiscal 2010 of a component manufacturer TDK hard by the chart that is demonstrated by TDK plans to change production lines of main storage tray. 3.5 inch hard drive size from 500 GB to 640 GB to 1 piece per 1 piece allows manufacturers and operators can be hard to record more than 3 TB capacity per disk 1 with the ball tray and storage of 5 pieces for. 2.5-inch hard drive, the TDK has changed the production line from 320 GB to 375 GB to 1 piece is 1 piece and instead allowing them to record all the production capacity 2.5-inch hard drive has more than 750 GB with. Using the combined standard tray 2 pcs.

Source : tomshardware

Sony continues to reveal any loss of time is available PS3.

Although recently this source. Circulation of the console PlayStation 3 will be any rate increases. But the overall picture of the business with Sony, which unveiled the latest to find that it still results in continued loss every time a sale. Consoles.

After that. Sony succeeded in making the selling PlayStation 3 game console in October last year ranked one month ago. This is the first time in history since the official opening available for more than 3 years but the recent report that revealed by Sony Boasting. Back shows. Although Sony will be selling PlayStation 3 game console increased much matter. But also can not allow state to recover the loss of business to be. The loss is still ongoing in every time a sale is a game that Sony will lose money as 6 cents of every 1 dollar's price, so if players think the game on the PS3 at 300. million USD. Sony to lose money equal to 18 dollars USD to sell a PS3 1 Nobuyuki Oneda sure enough by the financial advisor of Sony said. The team is planning to reduce PS3 production costs to about 15 percent this fiscal year. Which ended in March of 2011 is expected to be generated will help to increase the company billions of yen, all in one place.

Source : CNET

Asus plans to TOP 5 in portable computers market.

Asus Plans to increase sales in the notebook market, capturing five targets Song competition with Toshiba and Lenovo.

Although they recently entered the portable computer market has not been long, but device manufacturers. Computer major Asus has unveiled a major plan to dominate the top five in the market ahead of competitors like Toshiba and Lenova class in this matter, Mr. Shien-yueh Hsu GM's portable computer division, Asus has unveiled a sales success in 2010, said. they target portable computer sales at 20 million divided by 12 million for a notebook and 8 million for a net book. And also mentioned that the USB 3.0 technology, Asus has introduced the portable computer is then you will be first into the line. Production in the mid of this year will be. However, an analysis that sales targets are more than 20 million units this may decrease due to the impact of the development of competition, one of the top HP and Acer to be more intense.

Source :

Apple paying 15 percent refund on broken 27-inch iMacs

Apple agree to pay 15 percent of compensation to customers who have problems in iMacs 27 inches.

User-owned model size 27-inch iMacs faced with problems that occur repeatedly on their machine is. Boasting the latest Apple has issued a condolence while preparing to pay compensation to users who find the problem then.

Gizmodo has the news source reports on Thursday that last. The manufacturer of IT giants like Apple has issued a condolence in the event that the user who owns a small 27-inch iMacs models face the problem repeatedly. Will be paid a compensation of 15 percent of the sales price, or about 300 dollars USD with users experiencing the problem. The sources also reported that another. Users in the U.S., one that has experienced this problem repeatedly. The beginning was a problem with a display of photos and short yellow spot, which creates the display after a new change then. Also found problems with using Bluetooth again. The user has received compensation amount is 15 percent of the selling price. 2,000 dollars, or approximately USD 300 dollars USD. However. Not yet received a clear agreement that the original affiliation that will allow Apple to pay compensation in cases where some users. That this is not progress any of the original affiliation.

Source : CNET

US budget:Funding for Manned Lunar Missions Absent in FY2011

The Washington Post reports that the Obama administration is deviating from President Bush’s plans to put American back on the Moon, nixing funding which was essential to any future manned lunar missions. The numbers are so difficult for NASA that is could end the Constellation program, which would have put Americans back on the Moon by 2020.

Even though there is a slight increase over NASA’s current budget of $18.7 billion proposed in FY2011, it is not enough to fund the systems, research, and development required to sustain a manned lunar mission. NASA will also be unable to develop the Ares I rocket, the replacement for the Space Shuttle, on schedule. As President Obama’s budget makes it’s way to Congress however, changes are sure to be made; the question for NASA now is whether it can muster enough support for manned and lunar space exploration to warrant an increase over the proposed budget.

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iPhone 3.1.3 update in Server Logs

Boy Genius took a look at his server logs and found somethings (plural!) very interesting — entries for both iPhone 3.1.3 and… iPhone 4.0!

iPhone 3.1.3 would denote a minor fix to iPhone 3.1 (currently at iPhone 3.1.2), and could drop any time. iPhone 4.0, if Apple keeps to their previous schedule, would get a Sneak Peak event in March, followed by a beta period for developers, and a public release in June or July to coincide with 4th generation iPhone hardware (also already caught in server logs).

Source : The iPhone Blog